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The first glass blower and glass partner on twitch. I've been working with borosilicate glass and more recently soft glass for over 8 years, I offer lessons and live demos every stream. Come with me and enjoy the timeless wonder that is glass art.

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I'm Chris "in Chaos", I'm 26 and from Connecticut. Since April 20th 2015, I've been streaming my full time gig on and off as a glass artist in the Creative section and more recently broadening to the IRL section as well. Welcome to an inside look at my studio and how borosilicate glass art is made. Come introduce yourself!
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- Subscribers get access to 11 global emotes that are able to be used in any channel on twitch, linked discord or imessage. - Sub luck on giveaways, and exclusive sub giveaways every month. I'll pm you the schedule ahead of time if you need to be present to enter. - Immunity to slow and sub chat modes - A GTT torch face sub badge, representing the length of time you have subscribed. - No ads during the stream. - Directly support the streamer through twitch. - Free Shipping in the US (with some exceptions on larger packages or internationally, only $5 off) - Sub Goal: get a new emote 160/175
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If you want to donate money to directly support the stream and studio, here's the link. It's not necessary, but huge thanks to everyone who donates. There are donation alerts, and the donations will be read on stream. Top Supporters: Barsh420, Ramsberry, Sherlockness Donators of 00 or more; Hariguy - Richard_Hammer - K_ron_Spliffs - PhantomL0rd - Hairybewchacca- Truedarkness100 - CarlSenth - Mobius_Prolix - ModernTool - Leijona - IrieBumps - Zi1djian - Capstick71 - Kittyraw6930 - Flufflycat319 - Tr1pleC - R3kluse - BurtReynolds - FookHalo - UgSquish - Lord_Josh - Ramsberry - Snowgamingtv - 9HourClericBeast - ModernTool - JayGibs - Jorgleson - BigCore917 and more, if I'm missing you from the list send me a whisper or PM
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New !shop that will feature and be updated with pieces made live on stream!
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- What are you making? A variety of functional, decorative, and sculptural glass pieces, some of which are wine glasses, marbles, millifiori, full blown headpieces, and everything else in between. - Do you sell your work? Yes it is my full time job. - Have you burned yourself? Yes, cuts and burns come with the medium. - What was the worst injury you've gotten working? I've put my hands through the flame, twice. Instantly toasty and not a pleasant smell. Also I have grabbed so many hot pieces of glass by accident, there's another instant cauterization. - Where do I buy your work? Many shops around the country, and my small webstore - How much do you charge? Around $40 an hour plus shipping. Most projects don't take that long. I can work with you to fit almost any price range, starting at $10. - Why is glass so expensive? The raw materials and gasses are very expensive. It also uses 75amps of electricity to run the shop, which I'm upgrading. One tank of compressed oxygen costs $20-30 and Ive killed a few bottles in an evening. Average daily expense depending on how much colored glass and oxygen you run through ($50-$100 a lb) can be hundreds of dollars a day, per person. Then you start adding intellectual property, name brands, rare pieces, etc. - Where do you buy glass? There aren't many raw glass distributors in the north east so if I dont feel like driving to North Carolina, I order from or , but shipping 50lb 5ft boxes isn't cheap. - What type of glass do you work with? Borosilicate glass, commonly referred to as pyrex or boro. It is a much more viscous glass than other types of glass used for art, and is only a few decades old compared to the millenniums of soft glass. - How long have you been working with glass? 5 years, and full time for the last 2. - Whats your favorite thing to make? Marbles, they're very calming. But it depends on how I feel. - What is the color made out of? Different elements mixed in raw glass soup in a 2100*F crucible. (red - copper, green - chrome, cobalt - blue, etc...) - Can you make _______? (insert something glass related) Yes, and potentially right now if I'm not too busy and you'd like to buy one. - Why aren't you blowing glass right now? Because I work a lot and it's very physically demanding, safety breaks. - When will you play games? Idk, when my arms hurt from blowing glass, when it's too hot or cold out, or other random times. *The most popular questions:* - Will you make me a dildo? No. - Do you ship internationally? Yes - Have you ever burnt your hair? !hair - How did you get into glass? I mostly learned by myself in my home studio, took an advanced marble class in 2012 with John Kobuki. I also read contemporary lamp working volume 1 and 2 by Bandhu Dunham, a well written introduction with all the information needed to torch. - *My glass story* Long version: I started collecting glass in 2008, I would look at glass online every day. In 2010 I found a local artist works with glass and messed around on his little hand torch for about a month, I got 1 tube implosion demo. He was mainly busy making $10 production fume wrap and rake spoons. Soon I found another guy locally who had a bit more of a modern approach, he lurked websites regularly and was into wigwags and high end pieces. This is where I worked for a solid year getting my marbles down before I had him help me get my studio together. I got a GTT Lynx torch and 2 5 LPM oxygen concentrators and I was off. I would work on my deck in the warm summer weather while I was leveling ground and getting the area ready to build a studio. The deck setup was difficult to work on, I would get wind affecting my flame, the sun made it impossible to see the glass' heat base, and I was on a hutch table protected with duct tape and cardboard. Legit. In late 2011, I got my shed erected as well as a 75 amp breaker installed. Digging the electrical conduit is a pain. But then I could buy and install a Aim99 kiln and a 5,000 CFPM fan. I also got hardie backer fireproof board which made everything smell bad but not spontaneously combust when I drop hot glass on it. In early 2012 I took a master marble class with John Kobuki. It was an eye opening experience to see that level of precision, cleanliness, and perfection. I used his technique and make my own style of marbles that are completely unique in glass. This is where my journey as an artist begun. Since then it has been a wild ride, meeting and making friends and working with the artists who's glass I hunted for across the country and internet. I am still a collector, and now I trade my work for others'.
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Don't make me pull this stream over. Be respectful of me and everyone else, Please no personal advertisements, I'd love to hear about what you do and or make, but don't let it be the first thing you add to the chat. Feel free to link your creative social media. But at the same time use your judgement and don't post offensive links. No Disscusion of Hard Drugs, Sexism, Racism, Politics, or Religion. Yes good vibes, good criticism.
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*Windows computer built on stream in 2015, check the vod* Thanks again to everyone who donated towards it: CPU - Intel i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Graphics Card - EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-G1.SNIPER Z97 ATX LGA1150 Memory - G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Power - Corsair 750W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Storage - 1TB HDD, 250GB EVO SSD Running Windows 7 The studio currently runs on a liquid oxygen tank (since summer 2017) and propane grill tanks for the accellarent and combustable gas respectively, the torches are a 2012 GTT Mirage and a 2010 GTT Lynx, both of which I got new from GTT. Avi runs a snub nose GTT Mirage. The kiln is an Aim99 with a digital controller I got in 2011.
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[CNotBusch]( - Clay Sculptor [MrMarsRising]( - Pencil and Tattoo Artist [ZLadyLuthien]( - Acrylic Painting [MonkeyonStrike]( Bob Ross Reincarnation - a stardust meatball [MrBoombati]( Chainmail [SketchBen]( - Pencil artist [MrCreeep]( - Crazy drawings [DerpTyme]( Freelance Illustrator [SceneofActionMusic]( Solo Performer and Producer [WickedBowie]( Knife maker and smith and much more talent than I listed, Game PB's: Zelda OoT glitchless footrun: 10:59:50 (WR) Super Mario 64 16 Star: 27:27.14 Very Old Halo Videos:
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Top Cheers - 1) Ramsberry - 125045 - 1.5) Sherlockness -60000 - 2) barsh420 - 46808 - 3) Ugsquish - 24050 - 4) LackDaddy45 - 23105 - 5) Zemtor - 21610 - 6) K_ron_spliffs - 20676 - 7) nug_run - 15839 - 8) SnowgamingTV - 15760 - 9) Tr1plec - 15035 - 10) oOdrhoneyOo - 14819 - 11) FookHaylo - 13990 - 12) ButtWhyy - 13919 - 13) R3kluse - 13475 - 14) Bigcore917 - 13225 - 15) Wankel_ - 12775 - 16) Phdevil - 10340 - 17) Pale_derp - 10010 - 18) Kensendme - 10000 - 19) Blazedopebudz - 9455 - 20) bunnehwyld - 8500 - 21) 50_shadzhellcat - 8210 - 22) Valechippa - 8175 - 23) MyndPhantom - 7674 - 24) tychobob - 6916 - 25) G_malz - 6860 - 26) Josephkyselak - 6195 - 27) HairyBewchacca - 6191 - 28) Cobretti137 - 5735 - 29) Ichabod13 - 5600 - 30) r2_au - 5490 - 31) anonogamy - 5450 - 32) Nubstopable - 5150 - 33) SaraBerries - 5000 - 34) Elykins - 4800 - 35) Urzas_oil_rig - 4395 - 36) Prozak693 - 4115 - 37) Shadowofumbreon - 4095 - 38) Mayorofsplitsville -3660 - 39) Overstrain - 3550 - 40) tacktical_viking - 3510 Every 5000+ cheers triggers a $50+ viewer giveaway made that stream, thanks so much everyone! Updated 1/22