팔로워 123명


Cross stitch streamer - streaming every Saturday and a couple of times during the week. I stitch primarily my own original designs but sometimes work on designs of other cross stitch streamers.

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Hi there! I'm pole_and_needles - your highly sarcastic cross stitch companion. I will also respond to Rascal. Slytherin and proud. Why pole_and_needles? I wanted a name that does what it says on the tin. I do pole fitness (competing amateur) and I do things with needles - specifically cross stitch right now. I have been cross stitching for 5 years now - cross stitching my own designs and the designs of others. I also take commissions - for patterns and for completed stitches. Please drop me an email at RascalStitches@gmail.com for queries. My gorgeous offline screen of my cat Minerva playing on the pole (in Eros no less) is by Kwarning (another cross stitch streamer). My buttons and layout were created by the technologically brilliant SirRabbit - who has supported me from the very beginning.
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1. Don't be an idiot 2. Think before you type. 3. Respect the streamer, respect yourself, respect other viewers. 4. Keep it legal, keep it safe. 5. Pole's word is final. BONUS LAW FOR SEPTEMBER: Every time pole_and_needles has to frog... a confession must be made to chat on a topic of their choice.
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To stay up to date with when I'll be online and see the other projects I'm working on (as well as sneaky previews of upcoming patterns). Instagram: [pole_and_needles](https://www.instagram.com/pole_and_needles) Twitter: [poleandneedles](https://twitter.com/poleandneedles) Discord: [pole_and_ needles](https://discord.gg/KqayTCK) Etsy: [RascalStitches](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/RascalStitches?ref=hdr_shop_menu)
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Please never feel under any obligation to give.... but if you ever feel like helping me support Crohn's and Colitis UK and some of my personal goals.... this is where you can do so. What's my current personal goal? Totally selfish - thanks to my health I've not been able to go away for quite some time. I want to go on a holiday abroad and visit some of the people who have supported me through my tough diagnosis phase. [Donations](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/pole_and_needles)
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I suffer from the chronic disease Crohn's. This can sometimes disrupt my schedule or my streams if I am suffering from symptoms. As I am currently in a flare (as in uncontrolled symptoms) I am not able to guarantee a schedule. I can however promise that Wednesday night is Stitch n Bitch night on Discord. Crohn's is currently incurable but is manageable. Whilst I am currently in flare - I hope to reach remission soon - which will settle me down to a point where I can set a more firm schedule for streaming. Next medical date: September 2016. A proportion of money from all Etsy purchases and Donations will go to this worthy cause.