Profile banner for poofapocalypse



Hi! I'm a freelance illustrator with a love for all things cute, and all things chill! Come hang out with me some time, I draw on stream and play relaxing games <3 Everyone's welcome!

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1. Please be respectful to members of the chat. 2. No racism, homophobia, sexism, hate speech, slurs, harassment will be tolerated. **If any of the mods or myself see ANY of this in chat, you will be banned.** 3. Please avoid any political or religious talk in my chat as these topics tend to attract negative reactions. 4. Swear if you need, swear if you want, but please, don't swear at people! Be kind to one another, even if you say the f word! :o) 5. Ask mods before posting links, please! 6. No self promotion **unless I've given you permission.** 7. Have fun!
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Hello! I'm PoofApocalypse, but you can just call me Poof! I'm an art student currently studying New Media and Design. I've had a passion for art since I was very young as it was my favorite activity. I never put the pencil down and here I am! Drawing with you guys! I draw mostly traditional art using colored pencils and watercolors. My art is mostly very cute, bubbly, and fun to hopefully brighten everyone's day! Aside from art I enjoy playing video games. My favorites are: Splatoon 2, Mario Kart, Spyro 1, Animal Crossing New Leaf and Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak. Maybe one day, I could play these with you all!
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Currently my streams are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with Friday and Saturdays being bonus fun streams for when I'm available! <3 For updates on when I'm streaming, please make sure to check my Twitter and Discord! Additionally, make sure to look at the panel below for this week's activities!
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Find me here! Twitter: @PoofApocalypse Deviantart: Facebook: PoofApocalypse Instagram: Poof_Apocalypse (still under construction >v>; ) Discord channel: