Profile banner for pookajutsu



RPGs and Resolve. Call me Pook. I'm your local Power Rangers and World of Darkness fanboy. I play far too much Final Fantasy XIV, and prioritize a good chat environment over all else. Say hi!

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# About Me Hi there, I'm Pook! I'm a Final Fantasy XIV and story game broadcaster here on Twitch. On January 23, 2017, I completed a two year consecutive daily streaming challenge and made some great friends along the way. Together, we built a welcoming and inclusive community called The Stampede that we'd love to have you be a part of! We RIDE HARD, and pledge to not only do well in life, but to DO GOOD! In addition to FFXIV, I dabble in other MMOs, Telltale-style games, and single player RPGs. I run a community-focused broadcast with chat interaction taking precedence over all else. So feel free to join in. Questions are always welcome. **Business inquiries:** **Credits** - Emotes - [**Bilvy**](, [**Mori**]( - Cheermotes - [**XCurryFuryX**](
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# The Rules Our rules are kept simple intentionally. This is a chill stream, and chat should remain that way too. **Treat Others With Respect** - This one is pretty simple. We're all here to have fun. Anyone who gets in the way of that will be removed. Also, it should go without saying, I picked my moderators because I trust their judgment. What they say in chat is final. We have absolutely zero tolerance of bigotry and attempts to degrade or devalue the lives of others. If you're unsure of what that means, [**Crev said it best.**]( **No Backseat Gaming/Spoilers** - If I'm streaming a title, there's a good chance the game is new to me. Please don't spoil my first playthrough, and don't offer unsolicited tips. Thanks. **Nothing in Excess** - Feel free to take part in the discussion, just don't detract from it. **Don't kill the vibe.** Links require permission before posting. **Dress Appropriately** - Streamers don't wear pants and you don't have to either.
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# Join the Stampede Subscribers to the stream receive: - **32** high quality **chat emotes** to be used all across Twitch. - An **ad free** viewing experience. - Permission to post relevant **links** in chat. - A special rank and name color in our **community Discord** server. - And a swanky **loyalty badge.**
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# Support the Stream Tips are never required, and support goes back into the stream via new games, giveaways, and art/sound commissions, and more. Because of the nature of tips, they are non-refundable. Chargebacks will unfortunately be met with channel bans. Please be certain when you hit that button. [**Leave a Tip**](
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# The Aethernet The Aethernet is a Final Fantasy XIV stream team of highly interactive broadcasters committed to building positive and comfortable communities, with a focus on education and cooperative play.
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# Rainbow Arcade The Rainbow Arcade Stream Team is a family of LGBTQIA+ streamers, content creators, and artists that are dedicated to inclusivity, amplifying positivity, and just having a fun time in gaming and beyond!