Profile banner for postboardomkeeler



Hai, name's PostBoardomKeeler. Am Sign Post Vtuber. I do strem, I play games, I like to do stupid stuff on said streams, and above all I like to learn things I haven't known about myself.

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Y'ello, name's PostBoardomKeeler. But most know me as Kev. I'm a sign post vtuber that has mastered the art of cardboard and poster board-craft (mind the duct tape, it's the only thing keeping this channel up XD). I'm am a variety streamer that likes to do art while learning more things about art, but I also stream a smorgasbord of other games (different genre's, games I've barely or never played etc). I started streaming not only to meet new people but also learn more about myself that I haven't known before. Hope you enjoy the experience, hijinks, and laughs in between. Model and Rigging by Me Emotes: Me Sub Badges: PaperGauntlet
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1. Be respectful to others including the streamer 2. Do not spam messages 3. Do not say/promote offensive material in chat (racism, sexism etc.) 4. No plugging others or your own channel unless specifically asked. 5. This is a mature stream so some terms are allowed, just no NSFW or blatant raunch. 6. Promote good vibes!
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Become a member of the Board by joining the Discord (Hey that rhymed!). Use the tape link provided. Viva La Fort Posterboard!