37 N người theo dõi


I am a potato who plays 4x games nice meme dude dude dude

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Welcome to my Stream. I like to play many different games, but my most played games are Civilization VI, Stellaris and Planetside 2.
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Rule 0: Don't make me make rules so help me god. Use common sense.
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Donate to the stream to see your message on stream and support my stream! Click on the button above or paste this link: https://streamlabs.com/potatomcwhiskey
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Come check out my Discord to hang out with fellow Spuddies. Click on the button above or paste this link: https://discord.gg/UyYeM9s
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This old rag of a thing Click on the button above or paste this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/PotatoMcWhiskey