powertomario 프로필 배너

팔로워 638명


The home of super-fun gaming events and web technology streams!

패널 콘텐츠
**Thank you very much for visiting the PowerToMario channel.** My name is Thomas, and this channel is devoted to using technology and video games to bless and transform the lives of people all over the world. I pray that your heart resonates with that mission, and that you would join our community! Special thank you to Pixlplume and Morimotes for creating brilliant emotes for the channel (powert1Mute/MuteL/MuteGold and powert1Cape respectively). You can use them by subscribing (you also get to watch the streams ad-free that way, too!) Most/all of the badges, emotes, and little bitty goodies are courtesy of [Freepik](https://www.freepik.com/), so give them a look!
패널 콘텐츠
You are welcome to join the Power Players Discord community anytime by [clicking this link to join the server](https://discord.gg/ahdk4YUerF). Reminder: this is a "Family-Friendly" community, meaning you should take care to abide by what is outlined in the #rules channel. Be kind and courteous, have fun, and remember to speak well and treat others well!
패널 콘텐츠
You can view specific events coming up for the week by [clicking here](https://www.twitch.tv/powertomario/schedule) to visit the Schedule.
패널 콘텐츠
DONATE TO ST JUDE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL HERE [St Jude PLAY LIVE](https://tiltify.com/@powertomario/st-jude-power-play-live)
패널 콘텐츠
You can join the **Power Players** by [subscribing here](https://www.twitch.tv/powertomario/subscribe) to the channel and supporting our mission. Subscriptions allow you to view the stream ad-free, use emotes unique to this channel anywhere on Twitch, and...a badge that makes you look super-cool!
패널 콘텐츠
1. **Always be kind**. Be considerate of other viewers when you post messages, and own your mistakes and your words. They matter! 2. **Unkind words are subject to corrective action**. Our Power Enforcers (mods) have been granted the power to discern whether something is worthy of a warning, timeout, or ban. 3. **Always have fun**! We want you to relax, to enjoy the content on stream, and we love engaging you in Q&A and conversation. If you have questions or comments, as long as you are being kind, go for it!
패널 콘텐츠
In order to maintain our Family-Friendly atmosphere, alongside our bots, we have a team of "Power Enforcers" to make sure viewers respect the Chat Rules (see below!) + FiyahKitteh + RawkHawk64 + CobaltYoshi27 + XxDragonBallZx4X + GentlemanLucas
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Any news related to this channel, or anything that I post to engage with people online, can be found on my Twitter page by [clicking here](https://www.twitter.com/powertomario).
패널 콘텐츠
Any direct type of giving will usually end up supporting some kind of project on the channel. The current goal is to raise funds to support the deployment of a website for the Power Players Invitational. You can [tip PowerToMario by clicking here](https://streamelements.com/powertomario/tip), should you choose. Direct tips to me are such an above-and-beyond gesture by you, and I immensely appreciate them!