Profile banner for priestessofwonderland



Hello! I am Alyson Wonderland, I am the self proclaimed priestess of wonderland because the real world is too crazy!! Run away with me to Wonderland! We’ll play games, do intuitive tarot readings, talk about astrology and the MOON. Let’s go down the rabbit hole!! Weeeee!!! Thanks for subscribing!

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Overlays designs by SUNNYMOTIONS
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Hello, My name is Alyson Wonderland and I am here to encourage YOU to be the Ruler of your own world. Follow me down the rabbit hole to explore tarot, astrology, the moon, crystals, energy healing, and this mad mad world that we're living it! Grab a cup of something good to drink and !cheers with me!
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Donations are very very very much appreciated. Energy work takes a lot of time and I am a human with bills to pay.
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questions, comments, or concerns. please feel free to email me
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Twitch Subs get special emotes unique to this channel, PRIORITY in the Tarot queue, and free readings on Sub Only nights. Subs also have access to a private discord channel AND EXCLUSIVE Content that Ko-fi Members also get!!
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