
Hello fellas, welcome to the channel. You can usually see Europa Universalis 4 and Skyrim around here and definitely Mount & Blade: Bannerlord when it comes out! Cya in chat!

Panel Content
**Remember**, just by watching the stream helps out with making it more accessible to other people which is amazing! This button here is only if you really feel like supporting the channel!
Panel Content
* **Monday -** 19:00 - 0:00 **(EU4)** * **Tuesday -** 18:30 - 22:00 **(EU4 Multiplayer)** * **Wednesday -** 19:00 - 0:00 **(EU4)** * **Thursday -** 18:30 - 22:00 **(EU4 Multiplayer)** * **Sunday -** 18:00 - 0:00 **(EU4)** I will try my best to follow the schedule but cant promise anything. **Time is GMT +1.**
Panel Content
* **gibsnet -** 250€ * **Ed -** 150€ * **Ready65 -** 37€ * **quantumtrollening -** 30€ * **DasPumaLive -** 20.89€ * **shakeforparkinsons -** 15€ * **Dankbleach -** 11.77€ * **xXx_420_Yoloscope_xXx -** 11€ * **CHEFKING-** 10€ * **Teddiii_ -** 10€ **Also a big thanks to all the other generous people who donated!**
Panel Content
**Started streaming -** 06.05.2016. **100 Followers -** 06.06.2016. **World Conquerer Achievement-** 27.06.2016. :> **200 Followers -** 08.07.2016. **300 Followers -** 20.07.2016. **Big Blue Blob Achievement -** 20.07.2016. :> **500 Followers -** 27.08.2016. **1000 Followers -** 31.10.2016. **2000 Followers -** 20.03.2017.
Panel Content
Hi, name's Luka. This is usually a chill stream with a little bit of an insight in games I play so feel free to sit back and enjoy! P.S. I know the panels suck.. Leave me alone :>

Chat rules:

Dont be a donkey. Oh.. And keep the chat in English.
Contact info: primitiveai@gmail.com