
Hi This is Prince!

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Hi guys my name is princeofcheese (or andrew) I am primarily a league of legends streamer in diamond elo. I tend to think with the motto "not bad players but bad plays". I hope to get to know you and the goal of the channel is to learn and spread the good vibes, have fun and hope you get something positive out of my stream!
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I play enchanter supports that peel for my team. Janna/Soraka/Lulu/Karma Also play peel tanky supports Rakhan/Alistar/Thresh Learning: Leona/Blitz/Sona
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These are the websites we use to learn about both the game and our teammates in champ select. Feel free to also use the op.gg extension while I am in game. www.koreanbuilds.net http://na.op.gg/multi/query= https://www.youtube.com/user/unswlolsoc
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Donations go towards a second monitor/tablet so I can interact in chat more easily without tabbing out. https://streamlabs.com/princeofcheesel
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Here is an invite to our discord server where we post clips/videos of the stream where our community meets up. https://discord.gg/WRYEJK4