Profile banner for profmichael



Students, welcome to the lab! Join me at the start of the stream for a morning crossword, before we hang out and play video games. We don't take things too seriously here and are always good for a laugh. Join us in the lab!

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Welcome to the lab, students, I'm the Prof! Join me for a magical journey into the sciences as we run experiments, play video games, and have a good time! Don't forget to wash your hands. I'm a Medical Scientist with a passion for video games and stories. I'm streaming on the reg while on the transition between University and work, but my goal has always been to make streaming a reality. I'm writing a fantasy book on the side - so tell Clint Stevens that I'll read his book draft in exchange for a host. Yes, the labcoat and safety glasses do protect me from the stresses only a hardcore gamer will experience.
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As the age old adage goes - 'Donations are always necessary, but never appreciated.' If you can't donate then drop me a follow! I'm in the early stages of streaming so following helps me out a lot. Remember donations are non refundable
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