Profile banner for projectalphacommunity



ProjectAlphaCommunity streams Cities: Skylines.

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We are a brand new community named Project Alpha! This is a gaming community for everyone who likes games: streamers, artists, musicians, coders etc. EVERYONE is welcome to join us and help us make this community one of the best ones out there! This channel will be used to show some of our AMAZING members and the spark they bring to their streams and gives you a chance to see what they have to bring! ###Community Leaders Nick AKA [ThatRudeGamer]( Tye AKA [SenpaiSagiri](
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Click the panel to be taken to our welcome room on the discord where you just have to react to rules and then will be able to chat with the rest of us!
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#####Twitter: [JoinTheAlphas]( #####Instagram: [Project Alpha](
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There is absolutely NO requirement to donate BUT if you want to support the current streamer and the Project Alpha as a whole then click on the Donate Panel and tip us! Where will the money go? Well first of all it will go to paying the Minecraft Server, then to repay the community with game competitions and other stuff. If you want the money to go directly to the streamer make sure to tell in the chat or message!
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There is not a set variety of games that will be streamed on this channel as it is up to the specific streamer what they stream. But for Nick it will most likely be House Flipper or World of Warcraft and for Tye it will most likely be Minecraft.
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###Friday: 7pm-Late (hosted by Nick) ###Saturday: Noon-5pm (hosted by Tye) All times are in GMT