Profilbanner til projektmikomiko

225 følgere


Hi, I’m Mirko but just call me Miko. I’m 42 years old and live in germany. I mostly play Deep Rock Galactic, but from time to time there will also be some other games and Dj sessions (electronic music). Hop on, say hi, enjoy some good music and ask if you have any questions.

About me

*Hi, I’m Mirko but just call me Miko. I’m 42 years old and live in germany. Thought of streaming for a while now, but mainly to play music (DJ). Never have been a big gamer, just some Super Nintendo and PS4 in the past. That changed when I “checked out” Deep Rock Galactic. A lot of digging later here we are. When not playing myself I am often enjoying this great community of DRG creators, fellow dirt enthusiasts and overall just nice people. So why not be part of it. You might not see the finest gameplay but I think I’ve learned a couple of tricks along the way and would be happy to answer your questions. If I don’t know the answer I’m pretty sure I can point you to the places where you’ll find it. Besides gameplay I’m always up for some passionate talks about movies/ tv shows/some anime and music. The music you hear whilst gameplay is from my spotify playlists, so you can check that out too if you like. Lets just have a chill time. Rock and stone*


* “Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi * “Be excellent to each other “ Bill & Ted > What else is there to say? > (Just to be sure, no political, gender or sexism debates. Just be nice to each other)


^^^Click the discord logo^^^ Nice people, drg builds, music/movie/tv recommendations. Come in and find out


*!commands - guess* *!song - song playing right now* *!music - whole playlists on spotify* *!steam* *!discord* *!brb - !lurk - !unlurk - !goodbye* *!nooice "username" - are you?* *!pog "username" - vision testing* *!hustle - go get it* *!urban "search word" - education* *!time - mine? I'll tell you*