puddeins 프로필 배너

팔로워 1,120명


dont worry about it, at least one brain cell is responsible herehiatus of a sort uwu maybe unscheduled stream so follow uwu

hallo im puddeins.

패널 콘텐츠
#You can call me Aine/Pudds I draw. Sometimes game. Talk a lot about food. Don't worry though, I won't eat you :) ##EN/中文 OK! 日本語勉強中 ミ⛧ Temporary hiatus, will eventually come back but until then, gorilla only. Are those horns real? **You'll never know.** *redebut eventually..?*

dont be stinky

패널 콘텐츠
##i. Be nice! Don't be stinky, no hate speech or you going into timeout. ##ii. Critique! All critiques and suggestions are welcome, but just like (i), be nice please! ##iii. Be cool Be cool. ##iv. Do not mention me on other streams if the streamer does not mention me . i̶m̶s̶h̶y̶ ##v. Donation/Sub goals No ##vi. Social Media! I'm usually on Twitter, but I post on Instagram and Pixiv as well! (〃∀〃)ゞ https://twitter.com/puddeins https://instagram.com/puddeins https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15589411

donate braincells

패널 콘텐츠
##Ko-Fi Link on Banner All donations will be used to procure more braincells. I must however, encourage that you reconsider (unless its funny) Chargebacks are however not very funny. I am obliged to say that donations are all non-refundable, and please only donate/sub/gift sub if you can safely afford it!


패널 콘텐츠
#TAP ABOVE FOR COMMISSION INFO Thank you for even considering commissioning me, it really means a lot. Some itty bitty notes: ##Gift subs/bits *do not* stack or replace the cost of the commission. ##Do not use my redeems for monetary purposes without prior permissions. (eg. emotes, merch) TLDR subs/bits are not to be used in trades for services outside of Twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-sale/


패널 콘텐츠
use !discord in chat to get the link instead because bots are lil shits


Clip Studio Paint PRO Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Hand + One Brain Cell™