Profile banner for pumpkyn



I'm a nerd.

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I'm a nerd and I love gaming. Note: You must get my permission to use my stream meaning vod and clips. My stream can never at any point be used against me as evidence in a support case or court case in an RP server without my permission. Thanks and cheers.
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Do I make you =)? Great! Want to make me =)? Donate for smiles. <3 Completely optional and much appreciated. Also non-refundable. So only do so if you really wanna.
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Because you just might love me.
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!8ball !clutch !crash !dead For when my dumb self dies. !meta Meta is bad mmm kay! !subs Amount of subs

Keiko RIP 06/21/2020

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My demonic spoiled adorable furball who I miss deeply.

Charlieboy RIP 10/25/2016 <3

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The sweetest soul to ever grace this earth.