Profile banner for punjunkenobi



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We want to help build up the community of small streamers through networking, lurking, raiding each other and team game nights. Click link if you are interested in joining!
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Hello there! Welcome to my stream! My name is Pun I don't wear pants and I like to party! Professional Memester/#1 Clixter/Whamologist. Coined the term WHAMMYS (head on). I play a lot of Dead By Daylight but am always open to try new games. I grew up playing shooters but you will see me occasionally play Red Dead 2, Dota 2 and really anything to be honest.
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Donations are not required but are much appreciated for helping me reach my goals to better my stream for you guys. PC accessories, games, and more! There are no refunds
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As of right meow errrrrrday starting at either noon or early evening Eastern time. Don't Forget to tune in every Friday for Drunk by Daylight/Red Dead Redrunktion etc. Shenanigans CONFIRMED!
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1. Respect each other, be positive and helpful to our community. 2. Racism, sexism, and homophobia will NOT be tolerated. 3. Listen to the mods. They have big hammers. 4. Do not self-promote/advertise. 5. No spoilers to a game, TV show or movie. 6. English please. 7. Be kind! Have fun!
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Click the saber to check it out
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This kind Sir made me panels and me emotes go check them out! He also makes graphics for T-shirts ! Who doesn't need a fresh TEE!