แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ punkahtii

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I'm Punk, some call me Andi, some call me Anderson. I play games and I like pandas. I'm not the best and I'm just having fun.

My name is Andi! but I am and forever will be known as **Punkahtii**. I am 25 years old, and enjoy games. I have been gaming since I was 4, thanks mom. I will be playing a variety of games on stream and promise to answer all the questions you got! **Panels done by myself, if you would like panels done please DM me on Twitch or Twitter**
Donations are never demanded and you don't have to donate, but all donations are appreciated. I use every donation to go back to you guys and the stream. It can be accessed from pressing the image above. **A New Dono List Will Be Made When I Come Back**
I created a Patreon to help out those who can't sub, or just want to support the stream and future content. Click the image above to help now!
Processor: **AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor** Graphics Card: **NVIDA GTX 1080** Ram: **Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB** Mother Board: **X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING**
**Are you a boy?** -Yes I'm a 14 year old little boy. DUH **How old are you?** -14 DUH! No I am actually *25* years old. **Where did you get Punkahtii from?** -I mixed punk(music) Andi(my name) and anime in a name generator and got this. Then added an extra i because that's my thing. **What's with pandas?** -Just my favorite animal has been my whole life, my grandma gave me my nickname when I was born "Andi Pandi" **What's your favorite anime?** -At the moment its Parasyte but that's a hard question. I will soon be making an updated list of my anime picks.