puremagnum911 的個人檔案橫幅

206 位追隨者


https://dot.cards/puremagnum9112 to check out my other forms of content!

tips/donos are welcome but no pressure! appreciate it veryyyy much!


http://mypyre.com?aff=1432 https://gamerwear.com/pages/_go_?ref=3314:43739&discount=pure
working on being more active on TWIT motivate me by following and liking the only pic on there lmao
Hi welcome to my channel!. im just a man who enjoys gaming. 1st console i ever played on was the NES. used to bet pokemon cards with friends while playing NFL blitz on the 64. i really enjoyed the gamecube era of games. started seriously gaming with the xbox 360. im mainly an xbox gaming tho i do enjoy every console!
THIS ISNT A PG stream.. tho im not big on foul language my self... i do not control what content r in the games i play nor what my co streamers (or party members) may say but here are some general rules. + follow twitch TOS! + some trolling is fine...but.. treat every1 with respect. + no back seat gaming unless asked. +no political/religious talk
+ CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 2700x Eight-Core Processor 3.70GHz + GPU - NVIDA GeForce RTX 2060 + Capture Card - Elgato HD60 Pro
working on being more active on IG motivate me by following and liking the only pic on there lmao