pzzzang3 için profil afişi

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야스오 장인 프제짱 KR Yasuo PzZzang

치지직 Chzzk

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PzZZang Accounts

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채팅 규칙 Rules

ㆍ인종차별, 성차별, 분쟁 유발, 어그로 등 밴 ㆍ닉네임 언급, 친목, 도배 등 밴 ㆍRacism, sexism, or discrimination of any kind will result in a permanent chat ban ㆍSpamming or advertising chat ban ㆍOnly English and Korean in chat ㆍPlease don't talk to each other ㆍFocus on stream ㆍLong sentences chat ban ㆍEveryone understands English, not everyone understands your language


1. pzzzang: prozed zzang (S4 account) 2. Age: Born 2001 3. From: Republic of Korea 4. When did i start playing League of Legends: Season 3 5. Champions: Yasuo,Yone or dodge 6. When did i start playing yasuo: Season 6 7. When did i start playing yone: Season 10 8. How many times have i play yasuo: More than 10,000 times 9. Rune/Build: My accounts: https://www.deeplol.gg/multi/KR/%EC%9D%80%EA%B0%80%EB%89%B4%2Casyozu%2Cgg%23111%2Cpzzzang 10. Rank: S3 Bronze 1, S4 Diamond 1, S5~S6 Master, S7~S13 Challenger, S11 Rank3 11. New builds: https://youtu.be/paEzaY7xtBc 12. Why only nightbringer skin: I like this skin 13. Why only classic skin Yone: Classic is the best

일정 Schedule

ㆍ밤 12시 시작 휴방 랜덤 ㆍStreaming starts at 12 a.m. in Korean time.