


The sass is strong with this one

HI, I'm Lonthiel! I'm sassy, offensive and odd, but I have even some flaws. I think. I want this to be a free enviroment where everyone could be just who he/she is, unless it's being an asshat. Please don't be an asshat.
Donation will be used to buy the most absurd things that i could think of. At least i admit it.
+ yep I'm gay, it's part of me as eye color or skin complexion, deal with it. I'm even a gay activist and a femminist, to have even more an easy life. + Yep it's my real voice, I know it suck, but so do you. + Nope, not gonna use webcam, i want this to be a place were everyone can share something, i don't care to be seen cause i'm cute or repulsive to you ( lol) + Big views interest me if that implies that what I'm trying to do reach a lot of ppl, I'm not interested of doing this a job for now and i don't see it became one in the future. + yep, I'm really 35 yo that in gays yrs are something like 75. + I'm happy having a D, I don't want to be a woman, I never wanted it, but if i ever will you'll be the first to know it, like it's your own business! + You can call me even Queen, or in italian Regina, not cause i got a feminine side, but like the queen of hearts from Alice in wonderland i like to chop heads off.