Profile banner for queenofthesea17



Welcome! My name is Ariel. I'm just a Fish Out of Water making Art and Playing a few games along the way.

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*Time to go shopping!* Check it out for stickers, T-Shirts, sweaters, and *more!* Thank you all for your support, ideas, and encouragement💖 **New Designs in Progress**
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Hello, my name is Ariel (a.k.a. Queen)! I'm a Fish Out of Water in the artistic world from North Chili, NY. Just trying to start a business to do what I love. My art consists of commissions and personal projects that range from traditional to digital art. I also like to stream a few games depending on the day, a special event, or if the number of commissions is a little low. See below for updates, channel rules, and more! thank you for stopping by and I hope you become a part of the Guppie Gang🐠
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UPDATE (07/30/22): It's still tough balancing what I want to do with working a full-time job again. At the beginning of June, I announced that I would take a temporary Hiatus and return in July. Unfortunately, that plan isn't doing too well at the moment. I will make sure to plan a weekend stream whenever I can as a way for me to catch up and spend time with everyone in the community. I miss everyone, streaming, relaxing, and making art, so it's been a little tough mentally. I do enjoy my new job! It's just the small struggle of being used to a routine for almost 2 years and needing to change suddenly has been an interesting transition. *I greatly appreciate your patience and time thus far, I can't wait to see you all soon!* **Here's the plan for this coming week!** *Remember all times are in EST* * Monday - Day Off * Tuesday - Day Off * Wednesday - Day Off * Thursday - Day Off * Friday - Day Off * Saturday - Day Off * Sunday (8/14) @ 10:30 AM - Super Smashing Drawings🎮
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🐚**GENERAL**🐚 * !commands * !lurk * !uptime 🐚**SOCIAL**🐚 * !socials * !discord * !merch * !website 🐚**FUN**🐚 * !8ball * !followage * !hug * !hugme * !randhug * !points * !twitchiversary * !quote
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WOW! Thank you for thinking about donating! Donations are not required but are incredibly appreciated! All donations go to improving the stream and paying for art costs (supplies, tech, etc). "I Want to support but I don't have money! :( What to do?" No worries, Thank you so much for even considering it! There are several other ways to support the stream. Leave a Follow: You can still join the Guppie family and fun. Don't be shy! Give that heart and come chat with the community <3 Leave a lurk: please make sure you leave the volume on and mute the tab or the website, but not the stream--otherwise, it does not count as a view. Link your Amazon Prime to your Twitch! Thanks to Amazon, you get a free monthly subscription to one of your favorite streamers at no extra cost to you! This allows your favorite streamer to receive some of the profit from your heartfelt sub <3 Tell your friends! Let people know about Queen or her art business: Fish Out of Water By Ariel Host the stream! Even if you're not "a streamer," hosting the stream will suggest the stream to similar users. Follow on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (anywhere I will be): following, liking, and sharing is a great way to support! This will also allow you to still be a part of the adventure besides being here on twitch ;) Thank you to everyone who continues to show their support!!
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Welcome to the Guppie Gang chat! 1. Respect EVERYONE and KEEP IT CLASSY! 2. This is a family-friendly stream, but slip-ups do happen, so please try to censor yourself whether you don’t curse at all or add symbols (#$%*etc.) 3. "I was just joking" is not an excuse to be rude to others. 4. Do not self-promote; ask permission first. 5. Avoid controversial discussions. 6. Follow the Twitch Community Guidelines 7. Be creative, participate, and have fun!
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Do you like my style of art and want to commission me? Send an e-mail to **** and we can chat!
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Stay in touch while Queen is offline. If you are part of the Guppie Gang, come join the discord community! Have a place to chat, share art, and stay updated on special events/notifications. Click on the Discord banner above to be part of the Guppie Gang.