Profile banner for r0cksmash



Hey there, Welcome! My name is BEN and I play what I want. This is an obligation free zone so don't worry about anything, just chill and enjoy. It may not always be pretty but it WILL be entertaining hah! The goal here is fun so watch me have some or jump in chat and have some yourself.

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^^^Click banner for direct link^^^ Past broadcasts / Archives / Sometimes some late night commentary-less game play. It's a mess, but its my mess and I love it :)
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^^^Click banner for direct link^^^ "Everyone has a discord now-a-days" -Mahatma Gandhi This one is ours and its pretty great, everyone is welcome to come in and goof about, we do movies and games and d&d sometimes. Mostly just chill and meme it up.
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A Huge thanks to @ChadwickRastaKhan for all his support! A lot of this wouldn't be possible if not for his kindness and generosity :) Go check him out here: Make sure to visit his shop and see what hes got (or click logo above ^^^)
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This is free stream. Always will be. I just added this button for anyone who feels otherwise.