ragegamingvideos 프로필 배너

팔로워 6.5만명


Welcome to the RageGaming stream where general amazing fun times occur regularly. Yeah. I know. It's awesome.

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We're Josh, Cotton and Hollow from RageGamingVideos on YouTube where you can find all sorts of fun stuff every day as well as plenty of hunting. (http://bit.ly/1hTCETC) Streams every Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Sunday being Pro and Noob day! Follow the Twitter (@ragegamingvideo) to stay up to date on streams. In terms of what games we'll be having fun with it really could be anything. From Monster Hunter to the latest releases to really whatever I'm into. It's all here! Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1FUac4S
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GET FREE MH STUFF! For the 12th to the 19th if you give 2 gift subs you'll get a free code for loads of in game Rise PC goodies! Also get Rise PC here: https://bit.ly/3JYIRlH You get these awesome benefits: - An ever upgrading chat badge! - Unique emotes - Subscriber giveaways - Talking in Subscriber only chat - Be allowed to post links - First priority in joining in with the stream - Unaffected by slow mode - Warm fuzzy feeling of helping me make streams and content better - My eternal gratitude No matter what we'll keep doing what we do and making you guys laugh and if you want to support me in doing then that's fantastic!
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NEW: Put a Mask on Me: https://bit.ly/2CtPKLc ***** If you feel like supporting me you can do so via donations, I'll never ask people to nor expect it and all donations will go back into the channel so I can keep doing what I love and entertaining you guys! A small part will most likely go to keeping a roof above my head as well!
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Follow these simple guidelines and you avoid the banhammer. 1. **Don't be a dick.** No arguing. Don't discriminate others based on race, gender, political or religious views. 2. **Don't spam.** 3. **Listen to mods.** If you are warned, back off. 4. **Fuse and increase your power level** 5. **Don't post unrelated links.** Ask first if you're unsure what's related. 6. **Don't post spoilers.** 7. **Don't request games** unless specifically asked to. 8. Have some bloody good fun!. 9. **Don't advertise.** 10. **Follow all of the above even when the stream is offline.** Just cause we're not here doesn't mean we won't find out about it. So behave yourselves. -------------------------------------------
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There's a wonderful community Discord for you to join! You'll find lots of wonderful people on there playing and discussing all sorts of games. We're around all the time too! Get sneak peaks, get in when I ask you lovely people for advice or put out the call to appear in a video! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?
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To be added: Zanitan, Bulkface, Majorxmikey, Qoractus, Eldotpipilo, MagicalPiglet, Mortulex, Panacottan, Ninjajo, UsernameFred, VealMan, Loson
패널 콘텐츠

Hunter Competition Champions!

1. Marisa - Anime 2. Erza - Knight 3. Patbumbo - Cute 4. Aiwa + LethalBacon - Freestyle 5. Rothe - Sexy 6. Ria - Edgelord 7. Pears - Freestyle 8. Sticcer - Freestyle 9. Xerxes - Superhero 10. Alexander - Villain 11. Vail + Bugs + Cotton - Freestyle 12. Pears - 1 in 5 13. Tol + Noch - 2 Bits Only 14. Sticcer - Anime 15. Cotton - 1 in 5 16. Doodle - 2 Bits Only 17. Pheonix + Izuka - Cosplay 18. Freya - Kishin - Vail - Pumpkin Armor 19. Izuka - No Rare 8 (Kishin Cat) 20. Mithra - Freestyle 21. Greedo - 2 Bits Only 22. Kishin - 1 in 5 23. Kishin - Uragana/Fish 24. Malganis Lefay - Silly 25. Arissa/Kishin - White 26. Fissiccisst - Black 27. Freya - Zorah 28. Asuna/Patbumbo - Rainbow 29. Ashana - 5 in 1 30: Cedrith - 60 Seconds 31. Chanel - Red 32. Ashana - Prince or Pauper 33. Bugskiper - 2 Kulve 34. Doodle - Freestyle 35. Dragonoph - Insect 36. Luke - 2 Xeno 37. Shimbala - 2 Luna 38. Shimbala - 2 Brigade 39. Shreckweg - 2 Orion 40. Malganis Lefay - 2 Dante 41. Intindihan - Freestyle 42. Izuka - 2 Death/Vaal 43. Light - Assassin 44. Asuna - 5 in 1 45. Mithra - Yellow + Green 46. Seth - 2 Jagras 47. Harmony - Only Elder Dragon 48. Booyaka + Shimbala - 2 Gala 49. Tetsion - Worst Possible 50. Asuna + Zythian + Light - Anything 51. Asuna - 2 Pieces (Stephie) 52. Asuna - Monochrome 53. Light + Asuna - Freestyle 54. Sigma - 1 Piece 55. Booyaka - Birthday 56. Baron - Ice 57. Baron - 2 Nergi 58. Dante + Grim - Freestyle 59. Lawbringer - Old Monster Cosplay 60. Ria - Colourful Iceborne: 1. 2. Alyxsas - Anything 3. John - Safi 2 Pieces 4. Ashgaurd - 1 Brachy 1 Rajang 5. Baron Andre (Special Award: Sigma) - 2 Furious or 2 Raging 6. Baron Andre - 2 Namielle or 2 Kulve 7. Gavin - 2 Frostfang 8. Ashguard - Sigma - Hybrid Monster 9. Revan - Tetsion - 2 Deviljho