Profile banner for rainbowfyres



I'm Ali, I do stuff.

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Warmest Welcomes Pyrs! My name is Ali Crimson and I've risen from Phoenix, Arizona. Some background on me: I have been gaming since I was a kid, starting out on a friends Nintendo/Super Nintendo/ANCIENT FRIGGIN PC GAMES and continuing through adulthood on/off when I had the access and time. I've been playing continuously since 2011 when I picked back up again. My heart belongs to beautiful art, well done music in RPGs, story-rich, witty games. I am a variety streamer, I enjoy doing art, although digital art is a very new medium for me. My typical tools are paint, pencils and markers. I love trying new projects to try. I'd like to cosplay buuuut haven't gotten to it yet but someday! Offline - I'm the host/creator of two different projects: Board & Metal and NerdChex. Board & Metal is where we play board games and interview touring metal bands. NerdChex is a short, on the spot interviews at conventions/fairs/fests with creators I think are awesome. I sing, and you're probably going to hear me sing random nonsense on stream. IRL - I enjoy hiking, hanging with my dogs, taking photos,shooting, - if it's fun and an adventure it's game on! Come hang and say, Hai! I love to chat and bring forth your best pun or dad joke <3
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If you desire to send monetary gifts they are always appreciated and never required. You are welcome always, and your coin purse is not necessary to be one of my favorite Pyrs! However, if you do so wish to contribute - I greatly appreciate the gesture! All donations will be used to improve the stream and supplies. They are not refundable, my apologies.