Profile banner for raizynfenix



Hi Peeps, Welcome to my streaming channel and Welcome to the Fenix Lair. My name is Chris and I am an experienced gamer of 30 years, I am currently unemployed due to Covid19 which has made me realize that I want to become a full time streamer.


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If you would be so kind as to actually send me money, click the banner above. If you do donate you understand that you are not buying a product and that donations are non refundable.

About Me

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Welcome All This is the rebirth of The Kepz I will now be known as Raizyn Fenix, I have been wanting to change my name on this for a while now and start streaming again. I can now do this full time as Covid19 took my job away, and I am not going to lie I am really enjoying this again. I am a seasoned gamer who has had trials for COD 4 teams in the past, if I stuck at it I could of been doing this a lot sooner than now. My games vary on a daily basis, I play World of Warcraft, Space Engineers, Modern Warfare, Dragonball Z (any of them!!! #Bigfan) my game play is fairly serious as I like to complete the tasks given to me first time, can't be done with dying multiple times to do one mission. I will be playing online with my friends a lot Sa5quatch, Rostatute2014, Rugged Raven 86. We have been best friends for 30+ years. We will be doing a lot of missions on games and having fun whilst doing them so stay tuned. My streaming hours my vary due to family commitments (Children), but if you follow my twitter or Facebook page I will be able to inform you all when i am streaming. Thank you all for reading my about me. I look forward to talking to you all soon on my channel.

Own3d.Tv Stream Overlays

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I have been asked about my overlay I have added the link to the website I got mine from. please be advised that this is paid content but if you want your stream to look fantastic please click the link above

Facebook Gaming Link

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Please could you support my Facebook Gaming page by hitting that Follow button and turning on notifications. Thank You


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Please follow me on twitter for updates on streaming times and dates.......

Youtube Channel

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This is the link to my Youtube channel, I will be putting past streams on there from Twitch and also editing videos for your entertainment. Please stop by and subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit that bell button for updates on when I post a new video.


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Here is my Discord group, please pop along to recommend games you would like me to play or what you would like me to do in the games I am playing, I check this daily before I stream.


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Please respect everyone in chat, I don't mind everyone having a laugh just don't take you're jokes to far and insulting people...... And Mother jokes are a defo no go and you will get banned. I don't take this lightly as my Mother passed away 7 years ago.

Darceys lights and scents with Bex

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I thought i would take the opportunity to promote my Girlfriends business, If you ever need scented candles to relax you whilst you stream, please pop to the website and give it a look.