156 фолловеров


I'm a game developer from South Africa, now living in Oslo. I stream a wide variety of games, and sometimes my work on personal game dev prototypes when there's interesting stuff to show off.

About me

Hi! My name is Hilgard and I'm a game developer, and a passionate gamer. * South African, recently moved to Norway * 32 years old * Avid rock climber * Studied Computer Science * Love dogs (cats too, but mostly dogs) * Working on a 4X game prototype at the moment


I currently stream: * Hollow Knight * Hades * Jupiter Hell * The Last Spell I am considering streaming: * Spelunky * Hand of Fate * Reigns * Dota 2 I don't own these, but if requested enough I may buy and stream: * STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order * Noita * Timberborn * Stoneshard * Roguebook * Humankind Other game suggestions are also always welcome!

Chat Rules

- Be inclusive! (Especially no racism, sexism or other discrimination) - Respect each other, and be mindful of miscommunication - Ask before you self-promote (mentioning that you're currently streaming is self-promotion) - Ask before sharing links - No backseating (!backseating for more) - No spoilers - No copy-pasta type spam - Have fun!


[Join my Discord server here!](https://discord.gg/NBzHzaHxbT) It's still new, but I'm expanding it by the day.

Shifting Sands

My current project is a 4X style city builder where you explore an ever shifting landscape and try to survive the dangerous sandstorms. My goals with this project: * Reduce busy-work of other 4X games where more new cities become a chore * Keep exploration interesting * Less focus on diplomacy as I've almost never seen it work well with AI Feel free to ask me about it any time. An old version of Shifting Sands can be played [here](https://ramperkash.itch.io/shifting-sands) I have some other prototypes on [Itch.io](https://ramperkash.itch.io) but that page is quite unpolished and incomplete at this time.