Profile banner for rarerino




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Hey I'm Rino! (Ree-no) I started streaming in 2017 as a hobby on evenings and weekends. # Schedule I am a full time Dietitian so I am unable to commit to a schedule. I post on twitter and discord when streams are live!
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You can expect a variety of streams here with the most common being **Soulsbourne**, **Hearthstone Battlegrounds**, **the Resident Evil series** and **point and click games**. With my streaming time being limited I don't often play lengthy story-rich games however I am hoping in 2024 to schedule in the **Mass Effect Trilogy** # Speedsouls We have a community leaderboard for everyone's own speedsouls time [here]( Whilst this has not been active it a while, the spreadsheet remains open - please feel free to get involved.
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Interacting with chat is my favourite thing about streaming and I want this to be a fun and safe space for everyone. Absolutely no racist, transphobic, sexist or homophobic comments are welcome here. Don't come in here with a purpose to backseat or to make me/chat uncomfortable, this is also not welcome here. Badges done by the wonderful [Nightlyght](
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Please enjoy these wonderful emotes of my face, and art created by [CG]( and [Furita]( **more emotes pending**
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I fully appreciate anyone that subs/gift subs to my channel. I have a full time job so anything earned goes into improving the stream. Please don't feel you have to sub to be here, I appreciate everyone in chat, active or lurking. Emotes done by me and the wonderful [Nightlyght](