925 sledujících


Rarnark vysílá Guild Wars 2 a Monster Hunter: World.


I'm Rar I play guild wars 2. Warrior main and lately rev, used to play for team Good Fights and then Outplayed By Children before leaving the game. My most recent roster was Bad Boy Teenager Club which was formed to play in the ToL and future competitive events but has since disbanded.


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If you want to send me the goods click here.


Power Revenant: https://tinyurl.com/mxhdnnt


Markriesoj - 250 GOLD :) THANKS MY MAN GOOD MAN Wangggggggg - $60 <3 BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump such love Epsillion!!!! :))) - $20 King Bossun THE MAN - $15 <3 (IN TO PIECES!) Stephansmokov 8^)) - $10 VAQINTOSHHHHH - $10 <333 (the most attractive man) Top10AnimeFights - $2 ;) i love you guys


zahid_abdullah: "compliment... i like you pic is like great things of american... sweet and saucy like barbeque sauce of america"