Profile banner for raskyl7



Hello there! Gonna stream games while I have the time to. Just trying to clear my steam library (not that I can but I wanna try) by playing as much games as I can/am able to. ( I don't really like sports games and I cant play horror). Suggest a game for me to play by checking my steam library! :3

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These are the wonderful beans i would love to shoutout as they have been really the best and most wonderful wholesome people i have had the honor of meeting. #[SoTotallyRae]( The person who has been the one who kinda made me feel so welcome and encouraging, always so wonderful to hang out with, the sweet and awesome SoTotallyRae Without who i probably would not have met the others i would be mentioning :) i really appreciate her for introducing me to so many wonderful people. Truly thanks from the bottom of my heart! #[El_Porco_]( This wonderful and awesome mod is just the bestest and most helpful person i have met. <3 thanks so much porcooo! Special Thanks to the new mods :) Who i appreciate very much! #[Thomlock]( Wonderful and sweet fella who is such a helpful bean! i am very thankful to have his help! #[TheGoddessNyixs]( Another Awesome and Wonderful chaos who has been very helpful too! appreciate it <3 the rest in no particular order as all of them are the most wonderful people with their own personalities i really adore and cherish <3 + [Pastalarista]( + [BarberingViolinist]( + [Blizkoal]( + [Kensadork12]( + [Icoligihem]( + [TinyandTrash]( if your name isnt here, i still really appreciate you just the same :3
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Just a person who wants to play games. I play most games except sports and horror (I don't do well with scary games in general). What I do like are mostly narratively driven games. you can ask me for opinions of games, if I have played it I would tell you as much as I know about it and how I feel about that
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>>>You can check my library by the banner above or below for easier-to-digest image These are the games I own, so if you'd like me to play something, please put it in the suggestion box :) I only have to say that I will NEVER play horror / jump scare, and sports games. [Games updated as of 28 Oct 2020] -Just in case it was a bit confusing to read through my games, I compiled it here in a image.
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Camera: J5create CPU: Intel Core i5-8500 Graphics Card: NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1060
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Special Thanks to : #Firstly [Gael Level]( Thanks for the free packs he puts on his website which he could have easily charged it at any price. I had some images edited, I hope its okay :x. I have also watched some Dos and Don'ts from him. #Secondly [Alpha Gaming]( Thanks for tips of Dos and Don'ts also. Generally seems like another good avenue to know what to do and not to do. ***** As I learn more from people, I would thank them here. They may not know I exist but I would put the people who I think have helped me in some way here. Will remove if the people who I put here contacts me to remove them.