Profile banner for ratatat_randy



Escape from Tarkov, mostly 🖥️Competitive, high-energy, PC gamer 👋Interactive streamer 🥓Bacon dominator 🎙Musician 🐭Gym rat ⭐Husband/Father

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#Increased recall speed. Quicker reaction times. Sharp, intense focus. Use code T20RatatatRandy for 20% off your entire order of premium supplements including the new War Games energy blend for gamers!
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#Click the image above to donate ^ **NEVER expected, but always appreciated :) All donations go directly to improving the stream. Click on the "Donation" image above to donate via PayPal.** **$3+ donations get a text-to-speech read-out.** *Donations are not refundable. Please donate responsibly.* *Thank you for your generosity and support!*
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Subscribe for free with Twitch/Amazon prime. Subscribing not only supports this stream but includes: - Ad-free viewing* - Custom channel emotes - Access to playing songs on the stream - Custom sub badges - Priority pick when playing with viewers - Access to post pics in Discord - Access to sub-only Twitch chat - Access to sub-only Discord chat - Access to self-promo channel in Discord - My eternal gratitude!
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