
Streaming Ravenfall with 3 viewers

24/7 Ravenfall streamer. Get them non-stop gains!

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Buy the games and bundles you want while supporting me <3
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Tips will go towards unlocking better bonuses for this channel through Ravenfall's Patreon.
Panel Content
* **!Guide** - Links the How to Play page from the wiki. * **!Join** - Gets you in the game. Can follow with 1-3 to use specific characters. * **!Raid** - Your character will join the active raid. Can only be done while the boss has >10% HP remaining. * **!Dungeon** - Your character will sign up for the dungeon. Can only be done while the timer is active. * **!Itemlist** - Links you to a list of all the items currently in the game. You can see required stats, crafting costs, and other info here. * **!Market** - Links you to the player market. You can buy items from other players here. * **!Gift {username} {item}** - Allows you to send an item to another player. * **!Ore** - Shows you the level requirement for the different material types. * **!Ingot** - Gives the details on how to get those Ore Ingots you need for crafting. * **!Town** - Shows you the current level of the town and the active boost. * **!Where** - Let's you know what island your character is currently on. * **!Stats** - Gives you a list of your current stats and the percentage towards your next level. * **!Training** - Shows what you're currently training. Can follow with a stat to change to working on that stat. * **!Req {item}** - Shows you the required materials and level required to craft an item.
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"I think this is genuinely the most polished and well moderated ravenfall server I've ever been to. Most of them I don't follow, but this one is absolutely worth sticking around for" - [mycofauna](https://www.twitch.tv/mycofauna) "This is the best run RF stream. Very stable and often updated." - [CrusaderSixFive](https://www.twitch.tv/crusadersixfive) "The most helpful streamer & stream in Ravenfall hands down. Always willing to help players and streamers learn, play and love this game. Appreciate all you do! 💯" - [Cartmanz_znoobis](https://www.twitch.tv/cartmanz_znoobis)