Банер на профила за razzyem

4,7 хил. последователи


RazzyEM предава поточно VALORANT и Fortnite.

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Съдържание на панел
Съдържание на панел
Съдържание на панел
i7-9700k 2070 XC RTX 16GB of Ram :)
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Съдържание на панел
Hey I'm Razzy and I'm a 22 year old streamer from California! I'm currently a student so my streams are purely for fun but I still try to stream often. I only stream valorant( 3x Radiant and hit top 50). and other fps games but I'm open to playing other games that catch my interest in the future. :) Hope you enjoy the stream!
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donations are appreciated but aren't required just come and hang thats all I ask :)
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