rdhdavis için profil afişi

515 takipçi


Hello! Welcome to my Twitch Channel. I mostly like to play fantasy or horror games on my free time. If you like my stream, feel free to follow! I also have a Youtube channel where I have more videos if you care to check it out under RDHDavis. Thanks and enjoy!

About Me

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Hello, everyone! And welcome to my Twitch Channel! Here you’ll get to see me play some of my favorite video games. I mostly like to play Super Mario games such as Mario Party, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, etc. I also like playing Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Evil Within, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Bioshock, Tomb Raider and more. Any game that has fantasy and horror in it with a good story is my kind of game. Here I will also be talking about movies and TV shows. I enjoy giving reviews and geeking out about movies that I really enjoyed watching. And last but not least, I also love to paint and draw. Maybe someday in the future I will stream myself giving tutorials on how draw and paint video game characters for you guys. So feel free to stop by and watch my streams whenever you can. If you enjoy what I do, be sure to follow and turn on that notification so you will know when I go LIVE. Other than that, be safe and have fun out there everyone!

NEWS!!! Updates!!!

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NEW EMOTES coming soon!! So be sure to turn notifications ON to know when I'll be streaming. Thanks for reading! Game On, Gamers!

Chat Rules

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Before you participate in the chat, please take the time to read the following rules. 1. Please be kind and respectful to each other in the chatroom and to the streamer. No personal attacks or harassment against someone’s race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Acts of spamming, flooding, trolling, roasting or racism will not be tolerated. 2. Please do not use language that is graphic, inappropriate, flirtatious or sexually suggestive in the chatroom. 3. No Self Promotion or Promoting Others without Permission. 4. No BACKSEATING/SPOILERS, unless the streamer allows it. 5. This channel streams PG-13 content; however, there are times I will stream games that are Rated M for mature audiences. Please understand if you ARE NOT 18 years or older to watch Mature content, please refrain from watching. Do NOT joke about being underage! You will get BANNED! 6. If you are in a crisis or going through a traumatic experience, this is not the place to seek assistance. Please find the appropriate resource to attend to your needs. 7. Please refrain from initiating or participating in discussion about religion or politics. Thank you for your time reading the rules. Now come on in and let’s have some fun! Enjoy the show!


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If you would like to help and support my channel, you can do by Subscribing at anytime or cheering with Bits/tips during my streams. Either or would be very much appreciated. If you subscribe to my channel, you will receive custom made emotes that I made myself. You can use those emotes anywhere you like on Twitch. Doing so would also help share my art with the world. Any donations will be used to purchase new games, equipment, and other devices to help improve my streams for everyone. However, you don’t have to. Remember it’s not a must. You are always welcome to come on by and enjoy the fun :)


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Here is the link to my YouTube channel in case you're interested in seeing other videos I have done in the past. https://www.youtube.com/user/RDHDavis


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Working on my Discord Page, but feel free to join and soon you will get updates on when I'll be Streaming and more! Stick around long enough during the LIVE Stream and you'll get the link to the Discord.