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Hi my name is Reabs. I'm a game developer that plays games in my free time. Most of what you see on my stream I coded myself. Including several bots, the stream ticker/donation alerts, led lights and my brb screen.

About me.

Hi my name is Reabs. I'm a game developer that plays and streams games in my free time. I used to make some Android games in my free time but it seems like since I've let them stagnate they actually got completely removed from the play store LUL. On 3/21/2015(and a few subsequent streams) I worked together with my stream and threw together most of a game here's were it ended [Google Drive Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jvHRBwRfJBRi1SOERzR01uMGM/view)


Tip rules/rewards (All tips in US$): The bot is currently in fluctation but the current plan is to transfer light tokens from old bot into reables in the new bot.(Works mostly the same just called something different). You'll receive reables for every 10 cents USD donated. They can be used to change my lights. You can also tip for a shot $2.50 or more. 1 shot per person per night. Light Commands: (Possibly changing but testing some new commands out) !reables - gets your current reables count !givemecontrols - Makes you the current light ruler as long as your the ruler you can change the lights as much as you want !setlights (red) (green) (blue) - red / green / blue should be numbers between 0 & 255 !setlightsbright (brightness) - brightness should be between 0 & 255 1 token commands: "!burnlights", "!flashlights", "!rainbowlights" (To be re-added)

In stream rpg.

There's an ongoing text rpg in my stream. Version 3.0 is currently in season 3. The website needs to be updated for new info so I've temporarily taken it down. Just by typing in chat you've already created a character! Some helpful commands: !as - check out your stats !ai - checks your inventory !shop - checks what the shop has use !shop # to by the item. !ace # # - tries to equip a piece of equipment (Also works with !ce # #) !ae - displays what you have equipped !ias (stat) (value) - This will increase the value of whatever stat point you specify by value you get 1 point per level. Stats are: HP, MP, AP (attack power), DP (defense power), MAP (magic attack power), MDP (Magic defense power) Some useful info: Your inventory is sorted into bags with 10 slots each so anytime the game is asking for a item with a command you'll have to put bag# slot# of the item after the command. Ex. !ace 1 1 will try to equip whatever is in the first bag at slot 1 Each area (Plains, Forest, Pier, Swamp) has a grid of zones 10 x 10. You can specify a place to fight on if you use !acj [zone name] [letter][number] (Ex. !acj pier c7) Depending on the tile you fight on you can potentially pick up different rewards depending on the wave you've cleared. The rewards are randomly set every day. Current Artists: ME :O Past Artists: PhatYoshi Edobean - www.twitch.tv/Edobean Character Artist - Jermz Gallardo - [thecommaspace.tumblr.com](http://www.thecommaspace.tumblr.com) Teruhhhhh - www.twitch.tv/teruhhhhh


Where do I get a cool bot like your bot? Well you can't have reabsbot I love him :3. I actually made ReabsBot from scratch and have rewritten the entire code base at least twice over from scratch. As well as completely overhauling some sections several times. I've had a openGL engine that i've worked on for a long time from my android days and decided I could hook into twitches chat and use that to make a cool game for on stream so I did!

Stream times

My Current stream times are this: Mon - Thu: 8 pm EST - 12am EST: Speed runs. 12am EST - 2am EST: Non-speed run games Fri : 10pm EST - 12am EST: Game requests (1hr per request 10k channel points currently) 12am EST - ???am EST: Multiplayer with professor_hurt Misc: Raids are fine of course.