Profile banner for reagzvoice



Just a nerdy ๐–Š๐–‘๐–‰๐–Š๐–— ๐–Š๐–’๐–” sharing vibes and voices, through JRPGs and good conversation.

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##Hi there! ใ‚„ใฃใปใƒผ! The name's Reagan, but just call me *Reagz*. I'm a rambunctious gal who voice acts, podcasts, and games, aka... goofily yells into a mic. Retro anime and emo music are my passions, as well as video games that make me cry. My [house panthers]( are the boss. ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ You'll see me streaming titles from childhood or ones I've never tried, floating between JRPG stories and horror themes. **My favorite series is Tales**, so I usually have one of those in the game rotation. I even have a Tales of the Abyss tattoo! Welcome on in, nerdy friends~ เธ…(*ฮฆฯ‰ฮฆ*) เธ… > Contact & Inquiries: ****
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##The Nerdy Nook awaits. If your vibe is wholesome and well, *nerdy*, then you're in the right place. Here, we are cozy yet chaotic. Everyone is welcome. Just... be kind. By [subscribing or gifting subs](, you enjoy what I do and keep my creative juices flowing. Plus, you get perks like cute emotes, custom beanie badges, sub-only priorities, and NO ADS.
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##๐Ÿ‘‘ **Long Live The King** ๐Ÿ‘‘ In loving memory of my beautiful, sassy house panther: King Jasper. I think of you everyday and miss you SO much. Still, my heart knows you're always with me, floating on your nimbus cloud. ๐Ÿ–ค
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๐ŸŽฎ Here's a [list of games]( played & completed+ โœจ All playthroughs are archived [here]( ##Currently playing: > Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Tales of Xillia ##Coming Soon: > Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) Tales of Symphonia (GC) ##Most importantly, when do I go live? ??/Fri/Sat ยป **9PM EST** *I regularly update the [schedule tab]( and announce all changes in Discord.*
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Website ยป []( (*Coming Soon*) Graphics/Emotes ยป [Dizzy Designs](, [Etsuro]( Offline Banner ยป [RyeCereal]( Trunks Alerts ยป The amazing [Eric Vale]( More stuff ยป [Linktree](
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Coming in 2025. I promise... *nyaaa*
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> Every few months, we raise money for **BFAS** in remembrance of King Jasper. They're a nonprofit organization striving to help homeless animals everywhere and give them better lives, like my boys! So, I'm proud to be a BFAS Influencer and share their mission through livestreaming. ๐Ÿพ
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Never required, forever appreciated. Hanging out and lurking is the easiest way to support me, but you can also [tip](, sub, gift sub, or purchase items from my [wishlist]( Thank you. ๐Ÿ–ค ------- *All donations are non-refundable* ------- (* = bits only, ๐Ÿ‘‘ = animal charity donation, [click here for a support menu]( > **Special gift subs:** 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 > **Special bits/tips:** *37, 150, 200, *204, 250, 300, 411, ๐Ÿ‘‘ 430, 500, 666, 700, 800, *995, 1000, ๐Ÿ‘‘ 1100, 2000, *& some secret ones...*
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