Profile banner for realjennyrae



OH HELLO, I'm Jenny and I like trying out games as well as streaming favorites.

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Oh hello, my name is Jen! I'm 24 years old and I love a wide variety of games. Lately I've been loving the Sims and Baldurs Gate 3! I met my partner of 5 years through Twitch and love to hang out with chat. Looking to stream more regularly as I figure out a good schedule. Credit to [mixsyl]( for the profile picture and emotes (beemotes)!
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1. Do not use mean-spirited insults, slurs, or threats against others. 2. No discussions of explicitly sexual content such as pornography. 3. No jokes about things such as child abuse, rape, or violence against certain groups of people. 4. Do not make any sexual requests or offers. 5. Do not be critical about gameplay, story, or certain techniques/strategies that may be used in game (no backseat gaming). 6. Do not spam messages, requests, etc.
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Click the image to BEE a member of the discord server! We have text channels for pet pictures, game suggestions, rants, and more!
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Click to go to my StreamElements tip page, where you can donate straight to my paypal if you want to <3
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Send me food to eat on stream! I'll tell you if it's good <3