Profiilibanneri – rebeccaversus

1,8 t. seuraajaa


Rebecca Watson runs where she writes about science and critical thinking. This is where she plays video games for her own entertainment while occasionally writing in the 3rd person.

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I usually write and speak about science and critical thinking on my website []( and on [YouTube]( Because we live in a superstitious, anti-science world, I often need some serious stress-relief. This is where that happens. Subscribers get an adorable emote that was created by Miguel Sternberg from [Spooky Squid Games](!
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**Monday through Thursday** I stream *Overwatch* starting at **2pm**! **Wednesdays** you can team up with me in Overwatch for Quickplay, Arcade, and Custom Games! **Jackbox Friday** Let's play games together! Plus other times whenever I feel like it, and other games like Dream Daddy, Civilization, or whatever I feel like playing. My schedule deviates occasionally depending on my travel, so check out recent posts to see what's up!
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You can tip me [right here](!
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My website is []( I'm on [YouTube]( and [Twitter]( and [Instagram]( and Snapchat (imrebeccawatson).