


hello, Rebekah, 25, England I don't have a schedule, if I do stream it'll be around 7/8pm GMT, sometimes a lil later but prolly never earlier. It'll be rare to find me streaming now. Being brought down by people who were manipulative and toxic has killed the streaming idea for me. I am forever thankful for the support I had received during my time streaming but it would be unlikely to see me going live anytime soon. Thank you, again.
^ If you want to. I stream to entertain and to try make you laugh, I don't expect donations or subs in return. Thank you so much if you do donate, I really do appreciate it a bunch <3. Donations are non-refundable, I don't make the rules, sorry >:) I'm an affiliate, so you can sub to me. There isn't any perks, I don't have anything to offer, you'll just put a super duper big smile on my face :).
Offline screen and banners were made by the lovely [johnathonwillow.](https://www.twitch.tv/johnathonwillow)