Profile banner for recanem



Streaming FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE with 5 viewers

Does it taste good?


**Stream hours: **When there's time =) Usually evenings EST (GMT -5) **POV (Point of View): ** recanem **Costreaming: ** **Games On deck ** 1. Avorion 2. Space Engineers or Interstellar Rift **Games On The Bench - May be played on occasion** Hearthstone Ark Survival Evolved (!ark) XComm Don't Starve (!ds) Starcraft 2 Minecraft Fortress Craft Evolved Satisfactory No Man's Sky **Games suggested by fans ** Please submit these via twitch e-mail with a link to the game website! Suggestions in stream will be forgotten instantly! Content on this channel is intended to be family friendly. This means that content should be appropriate for all ages. **Rules: ** 1) Have Fun! 2) No Links Without permission 3) No SPAM, CAPS, or things that generally upset Nightbot =) 4) No Racism, Hate Speech, etc. 5) Be friendly with each other Requests for co-streaming, joining servers, business related or other content not pertinent to today's stream should be handled via twitch e-mail. E-mails are periodically reviewed during off stream hours. Please do let me know during a stream that an e-mail was sent and a reminder once per week to check is ok. Thanks! Joining TS, Games or the like are generally reserved for those who are 35 years of age or older, but maturity and fitting well with the current crew is a big factor. IF, BIG IF, I offer and you join any of the services I host this is considered confirmation that you meet these requirements. **LU cleaning up comm channels, mods, friends etc....oops'es happens swing by the stream for a while and things can be reset! LU20200415

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** Commands: ** ** Modded Minecraft Clients: ** 1) !atlauncher - launcher for The Madpack 2) !ftb - launcher for FTB Modpacks 3) !curse - beta launcher for Modpacks available through curse **Donation's: Thank you to all who have donated. Please let me know if you would like your donation announced. **Other things you can do to help the stream grow: 1) Just tune in , watch and have fun! 2) Follow button 2) Be interactive Again thank you for your participation! Last Updated 2/15/2016