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RedMage88 streams Alice: Madness Returns, FINAL FANTASY XV and Call of Cthulhu.


!hug -target user- !joy -target user- !pudding -target user- !potion -target user- !victory !nothing !tank !debt !time

About me

I'm just a nice guy from germany, who wants to entertain his friends from time to time. I'm trying to get started in the whole streaming business and I really hope you lovely people like what I have to offer.

Chat rules

Be nice to each other. Don't be a dick. No racism. No spoilers. No backseat gaming! Don't insult people you don't know. Please stick to the english language in Chat. Some german is okay, since I can translate that for the rest. If you don't like what you see/hear, just leave. Nobody forces you to be here.

Subs and Donations

Panel Content
I gladly appreciate everything you lovely people do for me. If you want to donate even a dollar towards my dream of going somewhere with all this, it also will be highly appreciated.


Sunday: 6pm est Monday: 6pm est Tuesday: 6pm est Wednesday: 6pm est Thursday: Noon est + 6pm est

Games and stuff

Spooky Sundays - Mostly horror games. Accompanied by Zydrate_Heaven Random Monday and variety Wednesday - I keep those days to play whatever I like. Maybe testing out games, small titles, or just random games with friends. Tuesdays & Thursdays - Whenever I play through a game, it happens on those 2 days. Just to have the chance of variety and to give those who missed my content the chance to see the vods. Also Thursday - Magecast with Zydrate_Heaven. Our little podcast where we talk about random stuff, draw things or play games together.


The music I use on this channel, done by Ross Bugden (Twitter: @rossbugden), is copyright & royalty free, as well as licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’.