Profile banner for redmaster787



Team Status Content Creator, Card game protagonist, and the man with some of the weirdest quotes you can never use

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I primarily make content on YouTube. Check out the channel!
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1. Be respectful to streamer and fellow chatters 2. Keep conversations on topics like Religion, politics, etc. elsewhere 3. Absolutely NO hate speech will be tolerated 4. Adhere to Twitch's TOS
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Hello there! My name is RedMaster, a card game content creator using Twitch to stream whatever games I'm involved in at the moment. I also have a ton of mostly unusable quotes. Hop aboard to join our corner of the Internet! Stream Schedules can be found on Twitter linked in bio or below:
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Join our discord to connect with our community!
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For those who wish to directly support me by cutting out the middlemen. Any donations are greatly appreciated! [Please note that Donations are non-refundable and you are donating under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback]
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Check out the streamloots store to pick up some cards that'll have impacts on this very stream!


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Check out the Throne if you wish to support me in other ways!