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Resident DJ at Sinners, The Cherry Blossom and End of the Line I often stream just for the sake of it, because Music Is LIFE! My sets are mostly Drum'n'Bass, Liquid, Trance, PsyTrance, Hardtrance, Big Room, Techno and so on, but I like to explore any kind of music. Find me on Endeavor Promotions!

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Streamer of Sinners community, I often stream just for the sake of it, because Music Is LIFE! My sets are mostly Drum'n'Bass, Liquid, Trance, PsyTrance, Hardtrance, Tech and Bass House, but I like to explore any kind of music. Resident DJ at: Sinners The Cherry Blossom End of the Line
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Respect others. In respecting others, respect also those who do not respect them. I will be the one to ban them, don't worry. Avoid uncomfortable topics such as religion and politics. Discrimination? Not here. Ban. Avoid spamming unsolicited links, thank you.
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Do you want to keep up to date with my streams? Would you like to be part of my small personal community? Maybe you want to listen to sets I've already played? Join my discord, hit the banner!
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Italian coffee is special. Would you like me to drink one on you? Or rather, I will use your offer to improve my stream, I already drink enough coffee and it is really very good.
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You can find me in various discords, including Sinners, The Cherry Blossom, Solstice Lounge and many others related to venue's life or my favourite DJs. Or leave me a private message on Twitch as well.
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Sinners is the community I work for, not the only one, but certainly the one I feel most connected to. The one who helped me to start and grow as streamer and in any other side of FFXIV night's life. It's special, believe me. It's not just a venue, it's not just music, it's not just screenshots. It's a meeting point for people where you can talk freely about what you're passionate about, make new friends, find lots of fun opportunities to get to know each other. Join us, hit the banner.