reloadmoa 的個人檔案橫幅

181 位追隨者


ReloadMoA 正在直播 Among Us 及 World of Warships 實況。

I am a real life, actual Dave. My rl friends call me Dee or Dave or "Oi muppet!" depending on what mood they're in. I am 38 born and raised in Scotland and I've been living just outside Belfast for the last my accent is a bit odd shall we say. Flip flops Scottish to Norn Irish all the time. If you're confused at least you have a mute button as an option. I have to listen to it all ficken day! Obviously I am a gamer or I wouldn't be here putting effort into typing this out...duh! Right now game of choice is World of Warships EU Server - [GLOBS]MoAReload I also dable with Sins of a Solar Empire mods like Armada 3. Used to play a lot of COD4 back in the day and was even quite good. Me thinks my First Person shooter days are over though. I am a bit of a tech head. I've worked retail in Sony Centre and even a stint for Currys(still trying to forget that). Done GD jobs, IT support and general Tech support on site and in call centers. I also worked at sea for nearly 9yrs aboard Fast Craft passenger ferries(expect a lot of stories that start "when I worked on SeaCat...". I can't help it and I apologise in advance) Best job I ever had btw :)
Check out my Youtube channel for more World of Warships and World of Tanks played a bit meh...but most of it's live with GLOBS bunch so that's a thing.
While donations are not required nor expected they will obviously be greatly appreciated. Donations should appear on screen unless I screwed up the alerts. If I have then laugh at the confusion and frustration that will ensue :p
Never played World of Warships or looking to start a new account on the EU server? Click the logo above to go to my invite link for nice bonuses to start your World of Warships account on EU server today. and here's the link for NA server If you are new to the game and need help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask me in chat. I'll always help as best I can :)
Conversation is good. Sharing ideas and opinions is great. Realising that not everyone will or has to agree with you makes things even better. I just ask you to exercise common sense. In my book anything goes when you stay within Twitch guidelines, don't harass or abuse anyone and remember everyone here has the same right to be respected as you do.