313 ακόλουθοι


Old guy who is now a grandpa with an accent. I am bad at games so stick around for a laugh.

Περιεχόμενο πάνελ

List of games played on stream in 2021


Clackle Club

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Courtesy of twitch.tv/lameville

Streamers that you should follow

https://www.twitch.tv/Calorix https://www.twitch.tv/The_DTS51 https://www.twitch.tv/Failseed https://www.twitch.tv/puffindro https://www.twitch.tv/bardthulhu https://www.twitch.tv/DrDorian https://www.twitch.tv/Lameville https://www.twitch.tv/SombraRJ https://www.twitch.tv/JammyWhammyGames https://www.twitch.tv/ColorfulPanda_ https://www.twitch.tv/InMyPants https://www.twitch.tv/Romanedgee


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If you wanna support the stream (not necessary tho)

Main Info

Hi and thank you for stopping by. I play games badly, i think it` s an art. 🇨 🇱 🇦 🇨 🇰 🇱 🇪 ▪️ 🇨 🇱 🇺 🇧 ▪️ 🇩 🇴 🇹 ▪️ 🇨 🇴 🇲