
I'm just a boy, sitting in front of an internet, asking it to watch him play video games.

Hi There!

I'm Ryan, and I play retro games. You may have also noticed that I play decidedly-not-retro games at times as well. :3 I have no set streaming schedule, though you can usually expect any broadcasts that do occur to start in the late afternoon, around 6 or so EST. Be sure to follow me on Twitter ([@RetroGamerRyan](http://twitter.com/RetroGamerRyan)) for info about upcoming streams and other projects.

Join the Guild!

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One of my "main attractions" is a little thing I like to call [ÜberQuest](http://uberquest.tv). It's a regularly-occurring program where I play through RPG and adventure-type games; it's up to members of the Guild to determine which games get played by using their Gold to vote and submit new games! Joining is easy; it's just two clicks and done, and you'll start earning Gold right away! You'll receive 100G to use for voting as soon as you join; then, you'll get another 100G every month thereafter! In addition, all subscribers who've joined the ÜberQuest guild will receive bonus Gold each month in addition to their normal 100G stipend!

Join the Happy Carts Club Band!

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By subscribing, you (obviously) help support my streaming efforts, and you'll also gain instant access to the retrogOoglyEyes family of emotes: $4.99 unlocks the standard retrogOoglyEyes, retrogOoglyEyesBlue and retrogOoglyEyesRed $9.99 unlocks the fancy retrogOoglyEyesSilver $24.99 unlocks the glorious retrogOoglyEyesGold!

My Wishlist via Throne

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If you want to support me by getting me fun stuff, you can find fun stuff I want on my Throne wishlist! No pressure, though. :3

Humble Partner

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As a Humble Partner, all purchases made through my partner link directly support me as well as my charity of choice, the [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/). You can find a ton of DRM-free games at the [Humble Store](https://www.humblebundle.com/store?partner=retrogamerryan&charity=2330496) in addition to the various Humble Bundles. And if you're not a Humble Monthly subscriber, you can sign up [here](https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=retrogamerryan&charity=2330496)!