Profile banner for revel8ion



I'm a father, Gamer, and singer-songwriter. I love my family and my viewers! I may not be a pro at the games I play. But I bring some good entertainment


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Feed me, Seymore. All donations go towards bills and prizes to keep this going. Thank you to my followers and my family. They keep me going.


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I'm in discord sometimes with random players. Some conversations may be offensive to some viewers. I apologize in advance I can't control what other people say. This channel is not rated by the ESRB. 1.Revangelist is the Boss. 2.My Mods: They are my eyes and ears when I can't see chat. 3.No backseat gaming/elitism. Backseating, unless I ask for it. 4.Pants are optional! 5. Thoughts or suggestions on the stream. Feel free to whisper me I will get back to you.