99 seguidores


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-djDiibIoKxXrDiqr5pXAI post highlights from on and off stream on my youtube channel.I recently got back into pressing buttons after a long break. I don't plan on streaming regularly but I try to stream when I can.

About me

I got GH3 for Christmas when I was in 7th grade, and was completely addicted. I played the game so much until around the time it died out. I remember passing TTFAF for the first time the Halloween after I got the game, and I was able to pass every song in the main series GH games from 3 onwards and in SH as a kid. At the start of my junior year of college a friend of mine got me hooked on GH3PC and I switched to clone hero when it came out. I'm in college and I have a job so I can't promise a regular stream schedule, but I try to stream when I get the chance. Whenever I get a highlight on or off stream I put it on my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-djDiibIoKxXrDiqr5pXA


Donating is appreciated, but not required. Anyone who donates may send a 512x1024 image for me to use as my note highway, and I'll keep that highway until the next donation. I may reject an image if it breaks the Twitch ToS or if it affects my ability to read the notes. https://streamlabs.com/rhazhbash