Profile banner for rhizio



Probably streaming a nice single-player experience... while chasing the 100% | Platinum/Gamerscore Info in the panels :D

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Hello! I go by the name, Rhizio (ofcourse) but you can call me Rhiz or just Rhizio, whatever works. A fan of shooters, RPGS, open world games. Big into story based games, playing a lot of multiplayer. I don't stick to one game most of the time, Would be what you call a *Variety Streamer* !commands
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**Platinum Trophies: 11** *Latest Platinum: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart* **Xbox Gamerscore: 77,069** Click 'Games' Image for my PSNProfiles!
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#Rules of the Arena... • No backseat gaming! (Giving hints/spoiling, thats no fun) • No self advertisement! •Be cool
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**Subscribe Today!** Being a subscriber gives you some fancy benefits ;) •An exclusive emote! •Sub badges in chat! They're crowns because you're Royalty <3 If you have Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime, you can subscribe to this channel every month for free!
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Join the Kingdom! Interact with me and other viewers in this lovely community! Discord is fun, we can talk, sing and dance.
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My tweets consist of some random stuff but it's mostly hockey! drop a follow :)