Баннер профиля для rhylintv

388 фолловеров


I'm Rhylin (Robert) and I like to play games! I know, right? I consider myself to be a "variety" streamer, but really, I think I just have a bad case of the "video game ADHD". If you're looking for a place to spend your time, why not here?

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Who am I? I'm Rhylin, or Robert, and I've been playing games for the past, oh I don't know, 30ish years? I'm a 39ish year old working man, married, and have 1 child. You will hear both my wife and child making comments from the background regularly. Ignore them, I have to. I may or may not stream on any given day, based on what's going on, or how my connection is holding up. I enjoy RPGs, table top games, and overall just having a fun gaming experience with my friends.
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There are few rules in the world of RhylinTV. Rule 1. Don't be a Douche. Periodt. Rule B. Enjoy yourself, but not at the expensive of others. There's a fine line between playful teasing and harassment, let's try to stay clear of crossing it. Rule III. Don't break the other rules. I have the right to add or adjust these rules as I see fit. If you have an issue with following these rules, there are other streams you are free to watch.
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Definitely/maybe streaming every Thursday and Saturday nights from 7pm-10pm CT, with the occasional bonus stream throughout the week, but you can always follow, and turn on notifications to know when I go live.
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Proud Member, and one of the Lords of the Clan Silverwynd Discord. Consider joining!
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