
Hey guys the name is Richard. I am an avid gamer that started at a young age. I play mainly PC and PS4 games, looking to pick up on the Xbox a bit more. If your looking for sports games I'm the place to go with some FPS's mixed in. Thanks for stopping by!

Stream times

Thursday: 11 AM - 2 PM Friday: 11 AM - 2 PM Saturday: TBD


Hey guys welcome to the stream. A couple rules to lay out first. 1. No hateful comments. (racism, gay jokes, etc.) We are all gamers a part of one of the most connected groups in the world. Lets all play nice! 2. Don't spam or self promote. Listen I'm new to this and its hard just to get noticed. If you wanna work together let me know but I am not here to be your ticket to fame. 3. Have fun I mean it guys thats what it is all about. What gaming is about.

About me

I am a father and a gamer. I am here to have fun and entertain at the same time. I play different types of games so if you guys wanna squad up on battlefield or play some puck on Chel let me know.